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Why You Should Not Remove Skin Tags By Yourself

Papilloma is a growth of skin, the shape and color of which can vary in each case. This defect arose as a result of exposure of the virus to the cells of the body, which causes pathological change and growth of epithelial tissue. HPV is transmitted mainly through sexual contact, but there are often cases of infection through common household items. The degree of danger from such tumors largely depends on the type of HPV strain with which the person is infected. Laser Wrinkle Treatment Etobicoke is the best way to have these removed, including any other skin tags that you might have. A professional must always be included in these procedures.

Currently, the indication for the removal of high onco-activity of papilloma, which can be determined by a special analysis, but the removal of papilloma with low oncogenic risk is not prohibited.

Most tumors are benign in nature, which theoretically allows us not to seek help from a surgeon unless the person is causing constant psychological discomfort. However, if the papilloma is large, no matter where it is located, there is always a risk of accidental injury or even complete separation from the skin. This can lead to the formation of a deep scar or cause complications such as: mass bleeding; blood poisoning; sharp growth and distribution of new papilloma.

Separation of papilloma from the skin

A person cannot independently determine which viral strain caused the growth of a specific papilla, so there is always a risk that it will become malignant, especially if it is subjected to constant mechanical stress (e.g., rubbing clothing).

Papilloma located on the eyelid mucosa can increase significantly over time, which can even lead to complete blindness. If the genital mucosa is affected, a person may feel discomfort and pain during intercourse, and infection of the basal layer of the cell can lead to cancer of the reproductive organs.

Is it dangerous to remove papillae? Papilloma removal should be performed only in stationary conditions after cytological analysis. Having determined the nature of HPV, the doctor will choose the most rational way to eliminate this problem. Currently, thanks to high-precision medical equipment, this procedure lasts from one to several minutes, while the patient feels almost no pain. With the right approach to papilloma removal, the risk of complications is practically absent, but it is not excluded.

The above methods for papilloma removal are the safest of all known today, but since the result often depends on the experience and qualifications of specialists, it is better to give preference to doctors with good recommendations.

Are popular papilloma removal methods effective? Traditional medicine also offers a number of ways to remove papilloma with homemade ointments and compresses based on natural ingredients. Many of these remedies are really effective, but cauterizing or dissolving skin growths with the juice of poisonous plants without expert supervision can be dangerous, as there is a high risk of severe burns.

At our clinic, you get an effective and customized treatment plan for better skin. Contact us today and get an initial consultation scheduled soon.


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