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Laser Hair Removal Costs: Is It Worth It?

Everyday struggles with razors, wax or depilatory cream, at least once made every woman think, ‘If only we could get rid of hair forever!’. In the desire for a magical permanent solution to problems like this to emerge, until recently we had to come to terms with the fact that it was impossible. But today, hair can be got rid of painlessly and - forever by AlumierMD products canada!

laser hair removal

A large number of women and men opt for laser hair removal, all to prevent the pain caused by shaving and waxing. In doing so, they rely on information from the website or on the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment transmitted orally. We all agree that it is quite difficult to distinguish what are facts and what are pure myths. So we decided to clear up what is true and what is wrong with laser hair removal. Here are some myths about laser hair removal that we will expose!

1. Myth: Permanent hair removal can be achieved with just one long treatment

Truth: It is impossible to permanently get rid of hair growth with just one treatment, no matter what you are guaranteed. Although laser hair removal is a great technology, more than one treatment is needed for long-term results. Your hair grows in cycles with three main phases: anagen (active growth phase), catagen (intermediate phase during which the follicles prepare for the resting phase) and telogen (resting phase during which old hairs fall out). It is possible that after laser treatment, new hair follicles grow, but after a couple of treatments, their growth will be significantly reduced. 

2. Myth: Laser hair removal can enhance hair growth

Truth: If this myth were true, we would have a cure for baldness. It is impossible for a laser to enhance hair growth. It is important to keep in mind that our bodies are constantly changing and with age some people lose on body hair, while for some hair begins to grow in new places. The laser can destroy the follicles of your hair, but it cannot prevent and enhance the development of new hair.

3. Myth: Laser hair removal works equally on all hair types

Truth: The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the color and thickness of the hairs as well as the depth of their roots, so more treatments are needed in the case of red, blue and gray hairs compared to black hairs. The outcome of treatment also depends on possible endocrinological problems and the patient's genotype. In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, it is important to agree on a treatment plan with your specialist depending on your skin and hair type.

4. Myth: Laser hair removal is very painful

Truth: Many years have passed since the discovery and approval of the laser by the U.S. Department of Health and Food (FDA). They are significantly more painless than they used to be. The pain is comparable to that of stretching an eraser against the skin, except that the pain will not be the same on all parts of the body. 

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